Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Money Is Nothing! S.H.I.T

this is shit!haha

Beli sumber untuk manusia,sumber tu jugayang diterokai oleh manusia.PAHAM?hhaa,lu pikir la sendiri.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Nilai Blog.Berapa nilai blog korang?


Smalam masa blog hopping, terjumpa widget 'How much is your website worth?' kt blog sorang hamba Allah..Menarik jugak sbb bole tau brapa nilai blog korang..kat bwh ni list antara website2 glemer dgn worth value dia..tapi perlu hanya estimation confirmation it's accurate..  RM89.90 million  RM12.79 million  RM12.23 million  RM8.04 million

if korang saje suka2 nk tau brape korang punye website worth..bole la try by klik sini..kt bwah ni value blog aku..alahai..nak banding ngn yg kt atas tu..herm..sogan eden..:p 

Peluang Kedua.Patut ke dalam sesebuah perhubungan?


source : pakcik gugel

Pernah tak hadapi situasi hati 50-50 nk bagi peluang kedua pada sesiapa? mungkin kerana orang tu penah buat sesuatu kesalahan pada kita..menyakitkan hati kita..atau apa2 saje kesalahan yang kalau diikutkan hati..nk belasah je orang tu..atau..berharap org tu pegi jauh2 dari hidup kita..or even worst harap org tu kena langgar keta

So,everyone mmg nak peluang kedua kalau die ada buat silap,sesorang tu akn rasa die akn buat yg terbaik lau dpt pelunag kedua.HAAAAAA

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Solution Untuk Mengatasi Ke-siput-tan Facebook anda.


Act,aku pkai facebook takde pun lembap,tapi bila aku online bnyak status update yang cakap facebook dah lembap.Hmmm.

Aku tau,mesti ada orang ingat facebook betul betul nak ttup kan?yeah,dead line nye mkin nak sampai kan?Act,facebook tak akan ditutup,nak tau kenapa?clik sini lah lau nak tau

Well,aku kan aku tlong lah korang dengan cara aku men-copy paste dari someone.HAHA

Here's the solutions :)

If you are having difficulty accessing facebook, this solution might work for you. Affected users only.
Why? this is because it is most likely caused by one of the hop servers at “ []” which located at Hong Kong Internet Exchange.

1.0 Solution

I found a temporary solution to fix the speed issue with facebook.


All you need to do is just do the following:
If you have UAC turned on, kindly turn it off.

1.1 Windows User:

  1. Go to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\
  2. Open hosts file with notepad.exe
  3. Add the following:
  4. Save.
  5. Open your browser, key in
  6. Enjoy the superfast speed!
Your hosts file should look like this:
# Copyright (c) 1993-2009 Microsoft Corp.
# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.
# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each
# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should
# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.
# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one
# space.
# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual
# lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol.
# For example:
# # source server
# # x client host
# localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself.
# localhost
# ::1 localhost

1.1.1 How to Edit Hosts File

Open with notepad.
If you are getting errors…
Windows 7, if you are getting errors, go to Start –> Control Panel –> User Accounts
Click Change User Account Control Settings
Set to Never Notify.
Save Settings and Restart PC. Then you should be able to edit your hosts file. :) 
Windows XP, open notepad, copy paste the above text on how hosts should look like. Save as, remove the change the Text Document to all files. Save without the .txt. Delete the current hosts file and overwrite with a newly created one.

1.2 Linux/Ubuntu User:

  1. Go to Application –> Accessories –> Terminal
  2. key in the following: sudo gedit /etc/hosts
  3. Under , input the following:
  4. Click Save
  5. Close gedit and terminal.
  6. Open your browser, key in
  7. Enjoy the superfast speed!
Your terminal should look like this:

Ubuntu Terminal
Terminal Command

Your hosts should look like this: localhost.localdomain localhost
::1 localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6 HeHe-Haxor 

# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
ff02::3 ip6-allhosts

2.0 Difference in ping

How to ping? Go to start –> Run –> cmd
Then key in “ping (url address)” without the “”
Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=403ms TTL=246
Reply from bytes=32 time=398ms TTL=246
Request timed out.
Reply from bytes=32 time=396ms TTL=246

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 3, Lost = 1 (25% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 396ms, Maximum = 403ms, Average = 399ms

2.2 AFTER:
Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=13ms TTL=60
Reply from bytes=32 time=15ms TTL=60
Reply from bytes=32 time=12ms TTL=60
Reply from bytes=32 time=20ms TTL=60

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 12ms, Maximum = 20ms, Average = 15ms

3.0 PingPlotter Statistics


Ping Plotter Statistics
Ping Plotter Before Hack
3.2 AFTER:

Ping Plotter Statistics
Ping Plotter After Hack
Enjoy this fine fix from HeHeHunter

Monday, March 14, 2011

Pray For Japan: Kartun Berita Harian Masuk CNN


Article ni aku copy dari blog joegrimjow

Lawak boleh dikategorikan beberapa jenis. Lebih tepat 3 jenis. Pertama lawak biasa. Lawak ni adalah segala perbuatan lucu yang dibuat oleh pelaku secara spontan tetapi dia mengambil kira kesan selepasnya.

Kedua lawak cerdik. Lawak ni adalah segala perbuatan, kata-kata lucu yang dibuat oleh pelaku dengan mengambil kira kesan akhir - end produk - adalah untuk memberi kesedaran kepada orang. Biasanya orang yang mendengar lawak cerdik ini gelak kuat-kuat dan kemudian berhenti - berfikir maksud yang tersirat. Cukup hebat bagi yang dapat buat lawak cerdik ni!

Yang terakhir - lawak bodoh

Lawak bodoh ni bermaksud segala perbuatas, kata-kata lucu yang 'sombrono' sahaja dibuat oleh pelaku tanpa langsung memikirkan kesan akhir lawak yang dibuatnya. Nak tengok contoh?

credit to

Berita Harian - Kononnya mahu buat lawak, tsunami yang melanda Jepun tidak dapat diselamatkan oleh sesiapa pun termasuklah Ultraman yang turut lari menyelamatkan diri. Tak tahu ke tsunami ni dah meragut beribu nyawa dan beribu lagi masih hilang? Tak timbul rasa sensitif langsung!

Yang paling teruknya - sebab Berita Harian ini merupakan akhbar 'bilangan pembacanya yang ramai' nama Malaysia jadi teruk!

Local Malaysian newspaper Berita Harian published a caricature in their editor's column today that depicts the popular Japanese cartoon character Ultraman as trying to outrun an incoming tsunami. 
The publication has received tremendous criticisms by readers, who accuse the editors as being "inconsiderate and distasteful". Several political leaders have even stepped out and demand a public apology, to which the editors promptly made on their publication's Facebook fan page. 
baca selanjutnya disini 

Antara komen yang diterima - Is really sad to see this. Used to be Malaysian. PR in Canada now. At least in Canada, everyone is equal. In Malaysia. You are forever 2nd class citizen if u are born with different skin color, even though you are born here! Will see how they response to the world soon.

Dah jadi, nak buat macam mana.....

Aku post ni bukan nak mengaibkan Berita Harian, tetapi untuk bagi peringatan kepada kita termasuk aku sendiri supaya berhati-hati dalam memainkan isu sensitif ini. Dah terlajak post memang tak boleh nak undur dah. Walaupun bukan pengarang CNN yang tulis, tetapi benda tu dah ada di website mereka dan sememangnya sudah ramai yang tengok dan bersangka bahawa kita rakyat Malaysia ni 'tak sensitif' besar impaknya tu. Berhati-hatilah ya

Pray For Japan: When Japan Needs a Help's.


Buat musim ni,berita paling hangat tsunami di jepun disebabkan gempa bumi berskla 8.9 ritcher yang dah buat ramai penduduk sana menderita.Berita semalam,anggaran kerugian negara jepun sama dengan kerugian negara Yemen selama 10 tahun sebab pengganas,sama nilai eksport barangan kosmetik ASEAN tahun 2009(amik dari buku pengajian am 2 stpm,eheh) yang bernilai lebih dari 10 billion USD. 

Once more,its billion USD bukan million,but BILLION.peh,sick abis.

Beribu riban dah smpai ajal,baki baki penduduk situ berbleas belas ribu ta jumpa lagi.
Bayyangkan lah,adik,mak,ayah,pakcik,makcik kesyangan korang hilang dihanyut ombak,and korang je terselamat kat satu tempat,yang lain takde.Tinggal korang seorang diri,yang dapat jumpa balik ahli keluarga diorang balik even dah mati pun kira beruntung,kalau ta jumpa?Hmmm,pilu nyee Ya Allah.Betul besar dugaan tuhan beri kat Jepun.

Kerajaan Jepun sudah menghantar 100 000 askar bantuan, 120 000 selimut dan 120 000 botol minuman untuk rakyat yang masih terselamat


NHK melaporkan, terdapat 430 000 rakyat Jepun yang terjejas dengan tsunami ini dan 24 000 yang lain tidak memiliki sebarang perlindungan - JOEGRIMJOW

Loji Nuklear Jepun meletup dan terbakar,lagi satu masalah yan timbul.Bertimbun timbun loji diorang meletup sebab kegagalan sistem cooling down.

Kesan nye,memberi ancaman terhadap manusia disebabkan radiasi.

Antara news yang aku dapat dari mak aku

BBS FLASHNEWS: Japan govt coonfirms radiation leak at Fukushima nuclear plants.
Asian countries should take necessary precaution.
If rain comes,remain indoors first 24hrs.Close doors&windows.
Swab a neck skin with betadine where thyroid area is,radiation hits thyroid first.Take extra precautions.
Radiation may hit Philipine at starting 4p.m today.

Terkejut kejap,sbb aku dapat text ni dari mak aku petang tadi,then berita pkul 8 pun kluar info yang sama.

Act,kita perlu lah doa untuk diri kita dahulu,umat islam disana baru Pray For Japan.Aku tau,mesti ada pembaca ingat  "pray for japan?kita ni islam,jepun tu bukan negara islam,palestin tu yang patut kita doa sentiasa,ini tak Jepun  juga yang diagungkan dan dia kesian kan bla kene bala"

Yes,you right,tapi tak semestinye kita hanya berdoa kepada umat islam,apa salahnye kita berdoa untuk Jepun,think positive lak brader.

Pray For Japan.

Hulur hulur lah bantuan,boleh hulur bantuan kat sini(click),cash pun bole kot.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Perangai Perempuan Mmg susah na paham (girls mmg gedik kan?)


 I told you. Lelaki, sentiasa simple dan mudah di fahami.

Credit To Mr.K

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Nak Tiket Maroon 5 dengan percuma?Hah,ni tips die,aku dah dapat.ehehehe

Minat Maroon 5?Nak pergi konsert maroon5 dgn free?Apa lagi?Join contest ni,menang tiket free!Siap dpt HTC beb.Cayalah Maxis

Are YOU the most wanted? #axepolice

Are YOU the most wanted? #axepolice

Click tajuk entry ini kalau korang nak menang product Axe ni.Masyuukk woo

Are you an epic die-hard fan of Fruit Ninja? Get your hands on the new iPhone4 with #DiGiiPhone4 today! All you have to do is to upgrade your line. Too cool to be true!!

korang click je tajuk entry ni.thanks,

Are you an epic die-hard fan of Fruit Ninja? Get your hands on the new iPhone4 with #DiGiiPhone4 today! All you have to do is to upgrade your line. Too cool to be true!!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Weird Google Search!Must Read

Assalamualaikum :)

Gizmodo has recently received some Google search stats. These are the numbers of searches made for some weird questions. The scary thing is the large number of people making the searches.

• 5,310,000 pages from people asking or answering: How to get pregnant.
• 69,400,000 people asking How to make money.
• 32,600,000: How to get over someone.
• 3,290,000: Who do I have to be to make you sleep with me.
• 841,000: I have a large cat in my pants.
• 3,300,000: I have a large uterus.
• 256,000,000: I want to die.
• 112,000: I hate a lovely bunch of coconuts.
• 3,160,000: Why do I fart so much.
• 528,000: Why do indians smell.
• 63,500,000: Why do I sleep so much.
• 680,000: Why do I have green poop.
• 883,000,000: Why do I have no friends.
• 7,570,000: Why do I have diarrhea.
• 4,170,000: Why do I have so much discharge.
• 7,120,000: Why do I have to pee so much.
• 230,000,000: Why do I have gas or so much gas.
• 456,000: Why do men have nipples.
• 6,000,000: Why men don’t call.
• 8,380,000: Why men lie.
• 11,000,000: Why women have affairs.
• 36,500,000: Why women lie.
• 94,200,000: Why Obama should be president.
• 19,100,000: Why Obama should not be president.
• 42,300: Why Luke Skywalker is an idiot.
• 1,610,000: I would like to buy a hamburger.
• 286,000: I would like to extend you an invitation to the pants party.
• 818,000: I think im pregnant.
• 442,000: I hate Indiana Jones 4.
• Almost 800,000,000: Who do I vote for.
• 4,980,000: I want a new drug.
• 114,000,000: I want a wife.
• 783,000: I have one testicle.
• 21,900,000: I have one more drink.
• 12,400,000: I have three breasts.
• 320,000: I have three testicles.
• 1,580,000: I have three girlfriends.
• 610,000: I have four sides, all opposite sides are parallel, I have no right angles. What am I.
• 159,000,000: When to work.
• 126,000,000: When to say I love you.
• 2,730,000: Sleep is for sissies.
• 2,890,000: I smeel like poop.
• 1,510,000: What is a recession.
• 1,400,000: I have a hard time swallowing.
• 338,000: I have a big bag of crabs here.
• 1,060,000: Sex is for making babies and revenge.

Entry ini di copy dari sini. xD

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