Friday, December 23, 2011


what is appreciation,ia sesuatu perasaan bila anda dihargai right?
so,apa korang rasa bila tak dhargai?ouh,shit &suck's right?

eyka hamasuba

How to appreciate someone else and make him/her happy and always be in you life shoulder?
Really i dont know how?bui i had some poem,that i wrote for myself.

If you are moving
with an eagerness in your heart,
then you are alive..
if you're moving
with the sparks of dreams in your eyes,
then you're alive..
learn to live freely
like the gusts of wind,
Learn to flow in waves,
like a river does..
Meet every moment
with your arms open,
Every moment these eyes should
watch a new weather,
If you're moving with
a bewilderment in your eyes
then you are alive,
If you are moving
with an eagerness in your heart,
then you are alive..

this poem,about how to you menghargai diri anda sendiri,so think about it.It's Deep

Monday, December 5, 2011

I'm Back!



Setelah sekian lama aku tak meng-up-to-date this blog,rindu sgt dekat blog aku ni.Hampir 4 bulan lebih aku tak bukak blogger,ini semua kerana STPM.

STPM.Tinggal lagi 3 paper sahaja,rasa sekjap sgt STPM ni.Hmm,harap-2 lulus dengan jayanya.Doakan kejayaan aku ok .HAHA.

Lepas exam,aku akn relax sekejap,menikmati cuti dan awal thun 2012 aku akn mula berkerja.Tak tau lagi nak kerja mana.pening-2

Bila tengok blog aku pening,takpe,follower sikit bukan jadi masalah,tapi aku rasa ta beest plak tgok blog aku  nie,rasa nak buang je iklan-2 dalam blog nie,aku rasa mcm nak fokus kepada penulisan shj dlm blog nie.Tapi,aku ta hebat dalam penulisan,yang aku mampu hanya merapu seperti sekarang ni.

geting old everyday-ubai

Apa akan terjadi seterusnya dengan kehidupan aku?
BYE,Good Morning :)

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